DALL·E 2023-11-22 14.11.44 - An illustration of a Japanese man shaking hands with a humanoid robot, symbolizing partnership and cooperation between humans and artificial intellige



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  1. 方法に関する問題
  2. 既に似たような研究が行われていて新規性に欠ける
  3. 学術界や一般社会へ与える影響が不十分


















これらの観点は、Sage Publications(2023)、Elsevier、Springer Nature、Wiley、Frontiersを含む主要な科学ジャーナルの出版社の一般的な指針と一致しています。これらの出版社は、研究の初期段階でのブレーンストーミングにAIツールを活用する意義を認識しているとしています。



  1. AI によるブレーンストーミング


  1. AIの「幻覚」を新しい仮説の設定に活用する


  1. 盲点の解消


  1. 異質な仮説の生成


  1. 予測と探索の用途





  1. 研究アイデアのブレーンストーミング


  1. 仮説の設定


  1. AI文献検索エンジンなどを活用し研究の新規性を確認する
















Three Ways in Which Researchers Should Leverage the Power of AI to Enhance Innovation and Efficiency in the Scientific Research Process

The Most Serious Issues Commonly Seen in Papers That Are Not Readily Accepted By Journals

Let me ask you an important question: what is the most serious issue commonly found in research papers that struggle to be accepted by journals? 🤔💡

  1. Poor methodology
  2. Lack of novelty; Similar studies have already been conducted
  3. Insufficient impact

The answer is number 2: Lack of novelty; Similar studies have already been conducted.

As the founder and managing editor of Linc Science editing services, I have contributed to the publication of over 1,037 articles in the past 10 years.

Through this experience, I have identified a common issue among articles that face difficulties in being accepted: they often lack novelty, usually because similar studies have already been conducted.

I consider this issue to be critical, as once a study has been conducted, it is virtually impossible to rectify this lack of novelty, even with the highest quality of editing.

Therefore, I cannot stress enough the importance of verifying the novelty of a research question during the literature search process.

I strongly believe researchers in all fields should take advantage of AI-powered literature search engines and other AI tools to expedite this process.

This aspect is even more critical than issues of methodology or insufficient impact.

While methodological flaws and insufficient impact can often be rectified to some extent through careful revision, additional experiments, or by clarifying the significance of the findings, a lack of novelty is a more fundamental problem that typically cannot be resolved once the research has been conducted.

To assist researchers in effectively utilizing AI tools for their literature searches, I have created “The AI Tool Application Guide for Researchers.”

This guide provides specific steps and methodologies on how to leverage AI-powered tools to ensure the novelty and relevance of your research questions, helping to streamline and enhance the research process.

Enhancing Research Brainstorming and Hypothesis Generation with AI

Hutson (2023) highlights one of the most effective ways scientists can leverage the power of AI: aiding in the brainstorming process for research ideas and hypothesis generation.

In “The AI Tool Application Guide for Researchers,” I have expanded on this by outlining specific ways scientists can use AI to uncover areas that may be overlooked in their research questions or hypotheses.

Additionally, Hutson (2023) notes that engaging with AI enables researchers to benefit from its ability to “hallucinate” or generate unexpected information.

This concept of “hallucination” in AI, as detailed by Zhang et al. (2023), refers to instances where large language models (LLMs) produce responses that deviate from the input, contradict established context, or diverge from accepted factual knowledge.

This phenomenon implies that AI tools can sometimes offer responses that seem credible initially but are revealed to be incorrect upon closer expert evaluation.

These unique AI capabilities are instrumental in unveiling new perspectives or overlooked aspects in research, thereby fostering the generation of innovative hypotheses.

This perspective is in line with the general guidelines of major scientific journal publishers, including Sage Publications (2023), Elsevier, Springer Nature, Wiley, and Frontiers. These publishers recognize the value of using AI tools for brainstorming in the early stages of research.

For a deeper understanding of these concepts and their practical applications, I strongly recommend reading Hutson (2023).

Readers interested in understanding how trailblazing scientists leverage AI to generate unique hypotheses will find this resource particularly valuable.

Key Insights from Hutson (2023) on AI in Scientific Research

 1. AI in Brainstorming

AI, especially large language models, aids scientists in brainstorming by generating a broad spectrum of ideas and hypotheses. Trained on extensive text data, these models are capable of suggesting innovative and unconventional ideas.

2. Hallucination as a Feature

In this context, AI’s tendency to produce inaccurate or fabricated information, a phenomenon termed ‘hallucination’, can be unexpectedly advantageous. It encourages the formation of hypotheses that, while not immediately verifiable, may lead to new investigative pathways.

3. Addressing Blind Spots

AI is instrumental in uncovering ‘blind spots’ or previously unnoticed connections within research. It can propose links between disparate areas of study, inspiring researchers to pursue novel lines of inquiry.

4. Generating ‘Alien’ Hypotheses

The ability of AI to conceive hypotheses that wouldn’t typically occur to human researchers is invaluable. This capability fosters the development of groundbreaking approaches and discoveries that could be time-consuming to realize through conventional methods.

 5. Predictive and Explorative Uses

Beyond forecasting future trends based on existing data, AI is also leveraged to venture into entirely uncharted territories of scientific research.

Three Key Ways Researchers Should Leverage the Power of AI

In leveraging AI for scientific research, it’s crucial to understand its practical applications that can profoundly enhance the research process. Here are three pivotal ways in which AI is suggested to be most beneficial:

  1. Brainstorming for Research Ideas

AI serves as a powerful tool in the early stages of research, helping to generate a wide array of innovative ideas and perspectives that may not be immediately apparent to researchers.

  1. Hypothesis Generation

AI’s ability to analyze complex data and identify patterns enables researchers to formulate robust, well-informed hypotheses, providing a strong foundation for their studies.

  1. Verifying Research Novelty through AI-Powered Literature Search Engines

Confirming the novelty of a research question or topic is vital for a study’s acceptance and impact. AI-powered tools can efficiently review extensive literature to ensure the research’s uniqueness.

Conclusion: Embracing AI for a Transformative Shift in Research

The integration of AI into scientific research represents a transformative shift in our approach to knowledge creation and validation.

AI tools, especially in brainstorming, hypothesis generation, and novelty verification, are invaluable assets for researchers across various disciplines.

By embracing these technologies, the scientific community is positioned to expand the frontiers of knowledge and venture into new realms of discovery.

For those eager to delve deeper into AI’s practical use in research, “The AI Tool Application Guide for Researchers” offers an extensive resource.

The insights from Hutson (2023) further underscore AI’s transformative role in scientific inquiry.

As we advance through this era of rapid technological progress, it’s crucial for researchers to stay updated and adapt to these evolving tools.

Such adaptation not only enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of their work but also contributes to the global pursuit of knowledge and understanding.

To assist in this journey, I invite you to subscribe to my “bilingual” newsletter.

This resource aims to keep you abreast of the latest AI developments in research, providing insights, tips, and thorough analysis to maintain your edge in this dynamic field.

Join our community of progressive researchers by subscribing, and let’s collectively explore the future of scientific innovation!

Subscribe to my bilingual newsletter from here: https://t.co/FgXM48lSW3


Hutson, M. (2023). Hypotheses devised by AI could find ‘blind spots’ in research. Nature Indexhttps://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-023-03596-0


Zhang, Y., Li, Y., Cui, L., Cai, D., Liu, L., Fu, T., … & Shi, S. (2023). Siren’s song in the AI ocean: A survey on hallucination in large language models. arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.01219. https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2309.01219


Sage Publications (2023, September 19). Publishing policies: ChatGPT and generative AI. https://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/chatgpt-and-generative-ai