つまり“Respectively” を使うと英文中の2つ以上の項目のグループの間の繋がりが、英文中の順番に解釈するべきであることが読者に伝わるのです。
- Tom, Jerry, and Spike received fish, cheese, and bacon, respectively.
同様に以下の例文だと“respectively” を使うことで介入後に低下した血糖値は中央値で2週間後に20%、3週間後に30%、4週間後に40%であったことがわかります。
2. Blood glucose levels decreased by medians of 20%, 30%, and 40% at 2, 3, and 4 weeks after the intervention, respectively.
- Tom received fish. Jerry received cheese. Spike received bacon.
- Blood glucose levels decreased by medians of 20% at 2 weeks after the intervention. Blood glucose levels decreased by medians of 30% at 3 weeks after the intervention. Blood glucose levels decreased by medians of 40% at 4 weeks after the intervention.
しかし、英語論文の中での他の文章とのバランス、流れ、文脈により “Respectively” よりセミコロンやコロンを使った方が良い時もある
- My favorite cartoon characters each received their favorites: Tom, fish; Jerry, cheese; Spike, bacon.
- Blood glucose levels showed the following decrease by medians after the intervention: 20% at 2 weeks, 30% at 3 weeks, and 40% at 4 weeks.
✔️ Tom and Jerry received fish and cheese, respectively.
✔️ Our analysis of employees working in 50 multinational corporations in Japan (n = 3480) confirmed that intrinsic motivation, creativity, and extrinsic rewards predict commitment, entrepreneurial behavior, and knowledge sharing, respectively.
日本の多国籍企業50社に勤務する従業員(n = 3480)の分析から、内発的動機づけ、創造性、外発的報酬がそれぞれコミットメント、起業家的行動、知識共有を予測することが確認された。
✔️ Red and blue lines represent average responses to the small and large visual stimuli, respectively.
✔️ Ischemic stroke, intracerebral hemorrhage, and subarachnoid hemorrhage account for approximately 80%, 15%, and 5% of strokes, respectively. 脳卒中の内訳は、虚血性脳卒中が約80%、脳内出血が約15%、くも膜下出血が約5%となっています。
⭕️ Tom and Jerry received fish and cheese, respectively, on Christmas Day.
⭕️ The response and attrition rates were 60% and 33%, respectively, among our sample of newly assigned interns at our institution.
⭕️ Mean arterial pressure was recorded at 110 mmHg and 100 mmHg, respectively, in stroke and non-stroke patients.
⭕️ The patient had a Glasgow Coma Scale score of 8 and 13, respectively, at admission and 24 hours post-injury. 入院時と受傷24時間後のグラスゴー昏睡尺度はそれぞれ8点と13点であった。
⭕️ Cerebrospinal fluid volumes removed via lumbar puncture were 2.1 mL, 2.7 mL, and 0.9 mL in patients 1, 2, and 3, respectively, at 24 hours.
24時間後の腰椎穿刺による脳脊髄液量は、1、2、3のそれぞれの患者で2.1 mL、2.7 mL、0.9 mLだった。
以下の例のように各項目に順番に現れる単語が適切に対応していない場合は “respectively”は使われるべきではありません。
❌ Both Tom and Jerry are friends of Spike, respectively.トムもジェリーもスパイクの友達です。
*ここでは “friends of Spike”という1つの項目に対して “Tom”と“Jerry”という2匹が反映されるかたちになっているので “respectively”は使うべきではありません。 また“respectively”を削除しても英文の内容に何の影響もないことがわかります。
❌ Both constipation and subjective cognitive decline without objective evidence are predictors of cognitive decline in patients with Parkinson’s disease, respectively (Santos et al., 2022; Galtier et al., 2019). *
*ここでは “Cognitive decline in patients with Parkinson’s disease”という1つの項目に対して “constipation”と“subjective cognitive decline without objective evidence”という2つの項目が反映されるかたちになっているので “respectively”は使うべきではありません。事実上、 “respectively”を削除しても何ら英文の内容に変化はないのでこの英文で“respectively”は蛇足です。
❌ A mouthwatering dinner will be served for Tom, Jerry, and Spike, respectively, on Thanksgiving Day. *
*「食欲をそそるディナー」という1つの項目に対してトムとジェリーという2匹のキャラクターが反映されるかたちになっているのでここでは “Respectively”は使われるべきではありません。
❌ Mixing energy drinks with alcohol is associated with increased urge to continue drinking and risky behavior, respectively, in college students.
❌ Three friends sat around the table and ate fish, cheese, and bacon, respectively.
❌ Four groups receiving different doses of medication underwent a postoperative assessment at 3, 6, 12, and 24 months after the surgery, respectively. * 異なる用量の薬剤を投与された4つのグループは、術後3、6、12、24カ月目に術後評価を受けた。
*この英文では4つのグループが区別されていないため、術後3、6、12、24ヶ月の評価が特定のグループに対応していないため “respectively”は使えません。
Test Sentence: The mean and pre-processed values based on noise density observed in our digital images and videos were 1.2, 2.3, 3.4, 4.5, respectively.
⭕️ The mean (and pre-processed) values based on noise density observed in our digital images and videos were 1.2 (2.3) and 3.4 (4.5), respectively.
⭕️ The mean (and pre-processed) values obtained based on noise density were as follows: digital images, 1.2 (2.3); videos, 3.4(4.5). *
*文法的に正しい英文でも、上の例のように “respectively”を使わない方が読みやすい時もあるので注意が必要です。わかりにくい場合は、括弧を使っても可。
Test Sentence: Parkinson’s disease and cardiovascular disease are associated with constipation and physical inactivity, respectively.
⭕️ Parkinson’s disease is associated with constipation whereas cardiovascular disease is linked to physical inactivity. *
*これも “respectively”をあえて使わない方が読みやすい。
Test Sentence: The infection rates were 20%, 30%, 40% for total hip arthroplasty, total knee arthroplasty, and total shoulder arthroplasty, respectively.
⭕️ The infection rates were as follows: total hip arthroplasty, 20%; total knee arthroplasty, 30%; total shoulder arthroplasty, 40%.*
Test Sentence: Patients were prescribed metformin and ivermectin for diabetes and cancer, respectively.
⭕️ Patients were prescribed metformin for diabetes and ivermectin for cancer.*
*これも “respectively”をあえて使わない方が読みやすい。
Test Sentence: The alcohol group, the energy drink group, the energy drink mixed with alcohol group, and the placebo beverage group received a 0.65 g/kg dose of alcohol, a 3.57 ml dose of energy drink, a 0.65 g/kg dose of alcohol mixed with a 3.57 ml dose of energy drink, or a 0.65g/kg dose of placebo beverage, respectively (Marczinski, et al., 2011).
⭕️ Participants were divided into four groups and respectively administered different doses of drinks: the alcohol group, a 0.65 g/kg dose of alcohol; the energy drink group, a 3.57 ml dose of energy drink, the energy drink mixed with alcohol group, a 0.65 g/kg dose of alcohol mixed with a 3.57 ml dose of energy drink; or the placebo beverage group, a 0.65g/kg dose of placebo beverage (Marczinski, et al., 2011). *
参加者を4つのグループに分けそれぞれ異なる用量の飲料を投与した。:アルコール0.65g/kg投与群;エナジードリンク3.57ml投与群;エナジードリンクとアルコール混合投与群, アルコール0.65g/kgとエナジードリンク3.57ml;プラセボ飲料0.65g/kg投与群。
Galtier, I., Nieto, A., Lorenzo, J. N., & Barroso, J. (2019). Subjective cognitive decline and progression to dementia in Parkinson’s disease: a long-term follow-up study. Journal of Neurology, 266(3), 745-754. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00415-019-09197-0
Marczinski, C. A., Fillmore, M. T., Bardgett, M. E., & Howard, M. A. (2011). Effects of energy drinks mixed with alcohol on behavioral control: risks for college students consuming trendy cocktails. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 35(7), 1282-1292. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1530-0277.2011.01464.x
Santos García, D., Garcia Roca, L., de Deus Fonticoba, T., Cores Bartolome, C., Naya Rios, L., Canfield, H., … & COPPADIS Study Group. (2022). Constipation predicts cognitive decline in Parkinson’s disease: results from the COPPADIS cohort at 2-year follow-up and comparison with a control group. Journal of Parkinson’s Disease, 12(1), 315-331. https://doi.org/10.3233/JPD-212868